TheArthur A.Duncan II, Esq.

“I shared my story to inspire and give hope to ex-offenders and to change people's perspectives of them. I also pray that my journey will motivate others to pursue their dreams regardless of their circumstances. I graduated from law school at the age of 43 with a wife and 5 kids.”
From hustling crack on a corner to practicing law in a courtroom…this is
my story! My journey will inspire you! I am living proof that despite
your past, your dreams can still come true. This book is a MUST read for
parents who want to inspire their children, along with mentors,
coaches, teachers, professors, administrators and pastors to share with
others. Also judges, parole or probation officers who seek to inspire
someone that has some legal issues will reference my story. But most
importantly, any ex-con or felon or a person with a criminal record in
or out of jail, can read my story and be inspired and will find hope. My
story begins as I escape the violence of the crips and bloods street
gangs in South Central LA and the abuse of a cocaine addicted
stepfather; only to go back to Buffalo, NY and perpetuate both ills by
becoming a drug dealer myself. Ironically,I became a part of what
victimized my family and me in Los Angeles. I risked it all for material
gains and lived life on the edge. I wound up in prison and had to put
my life back together. While incarcerated, I found the God in me that I
had long buried. After 3 years, I was released back into society and
tempted by my old lifestyle; but I chose a different route. Along the
way,I encountered many disappointments, ups and downs, and close calls
but I succeeded.This is the story of the FELON-ATTORNEY!
my story! My journey will inspire you! I am living proof that despite
your past, your dreams can still come true. This book is a MUST read for
parents who want to inspire their children, along with mentors,
coaches, teachers, professors, administrators and pastors to share with
others. Also judges, parole or probation officers who seek to inspire
someone that has some legal issues will reference my story. But most
importantly, any ex-con or felon or a person with a criminal record in
or out of jail, can read my story and be inspired and will find hope. My
story begins as I escape the violence of the crips and bloods street
gangs in South Central LA and the abuse of a cocaine addicted
stepfather; only to go back to Buffalo, NY and perpetuate both ills by
becoming a drug dealer myself. Ironically,I became a part of what
victimized my family and me in Los Angeles. I risked it all for material
gains and lived life on the edge. I wound up in prison and had to put
my life back together. While incarcerated, I found the God in me that I
had long buried. After 3 years, I was released back into society and
tempted by my old lifestyle; but I chose a different route. Along the
way,I encountered many disappointments, ups and downs, and close calls
but I succeeded.This is the story of the FELON-ATTORNEY!

FELON-ATTORNEY by TheArthur A. Duncan II, Esq
FELON-ATTORNEY by TheArthur A. Duncan II, Esq
Probably the most popular genre of non-fiction being written by black folks nowadays is the overcoming-the-odds autobiography. I mostly pass politely when asked to review these titles because, hey, just about everybody has faced their share of adversity. However, I made an exception for TheArthur Duncan’s memoir, “Felon-Attorney.” This opus is special, given how low he sank before bottoming out, and how high he has risen since turning his life around.
The brother’s story starts in Los Angeles, where he was born in 1969, though he was raised in Buffalo, New York by his maternal grandparents, Mary Jane and the Reverend James Smith. After graduating from the 8th grade, TheArthur went back to L.A. to spend his summer vacation with his mother.
However, he decided to stay, which on the surface seemed to make sense since both his parents resided there. However, in the process, he had to leave behind in Buffalo his grandparenrts, friends and a tight-knit community. And, unfortunately, he would have a tough time making the adjustment to the heart of the ‘hood
Of course, it didn’t help that TheArthur didn’t live with his dad but with his drug addicted step-father. In the absence of a solid male role model to emulate, he ended up dropping out of school to pursue a trio of dubious pipe dreams: pro basketball, rap music and drug dealing, which eventually landed him in prison.
TheArthur was born again behind bars, where he began to turn his life around. He has made the most of that second chance, not only graduating from college, but law school to boot. He’s also married the love of his life, Latisha, and the two are raising their five children back in Buffalo. Furthermore, he currently serves as a Deacon at First Calvary Missionary Baptist Church where he mentors at-risk kids and counsels married couples in crisis.
In Felon-Attorney, TheArthur recounts in very compelling fashion how he lifted himself from the societal scrap heap to morph into a pillar of the community. An uplifting, modern parable about a real-life Prodigal Son proving that anything is possible with faith in the Lord.
I finished this book in 9 hours on the day I received it. I don't know the people in the book but the way he describes the people, the places and what's going on is amazing. It makes you feel as if you're there right next to him throughout this life changing story. TheArthur has done a marvelous job turning his life around not only for himself but to serve as an example of what hard work and determination will bring. As many of the men in Buffalo, NY have similar stories with not so great outcomes, TheArthur gives hope to those who may be in this situation. The book reads easy and this allows it to flow, I mean before you know it you're done! I recommend reading this book because it's the TRUTH, not some make believe street novel, it's the real about this man and his struggles with life, death, drugs, family, education and incarceration. Right now our men need hope and TheArthur provides an avenue forturning your life around with that first step! The title says it all, FELON-ATTORNEY!
BOOK REVIEWS By Lloyd "Kam" Williams
By Lloyd "Kam" Williams
By Rasheeda Hatten
By Rasheeda Hatten
By Janique Curry So proud that I know the author probably and was able to support him and cheer from the sidelines long before he became an author!! This book was a phenomenal testimony of a young man who knew what his true calling was but got distracted along the way. The stories and detail in this book were so vivid and detailed that I was scared to turn the page sometimes although I knew what the results were and that he made it to the other side.
This book should be required reading for all young men and ladies in the Buffalo Public Schools and every school in the nation. I know too many young men RIGHT NOW who could benefit from hearing Tone/Attorney Duncan speak. Listening to you on the radio this morning you said something that was so important - even when you don't have a support system like you fortunately did its up to that person to make a decision to change. It starts with self preservation and then we as citizens and "Christians" must not judge and give people a second chance. When we are blessed to have an opportunity to serve on corporate boards, be in a position to hire someone or admit them to a program or school we have to take that chance and then support them so they can be successful!!
This book is what the media should be talking about ...not all of the insane negative things happening in our communities.
As an attorney for the City of Buffalo in the law department he now represents Police Officers and other city officials - what a story!! I read this book in 2 days and only stopped when I fell asleep!! So proud of the great family man and example you are and hopefully one day you can have some impact on a young man we both know and have in common 😉!!
By Janique Curry
So proud that I know the author probably and was able to support him and cheer from the sidelines long before he became an author!! This book was a phenomenal testimony of a young man who knew what his true calling was but got distracted along the way. The stories and detail in this book were so vivid and detailed that I was scared to turn the page sometimes although I knew what the results were and that he made it to the other side.
This book should be required reading for all young men and ladies in the Buffalo Public Schools and every school in the nation. I know too many young men RIGHT NOW who could benefit from hearing Tone/Attorney Duncan speak. Listening to you on the radio this morning you said something that was so important - even when you don't have a support system like you fortunately did its up to that person to make a decision to change. It starts with self preservation and then we as citizens and "Christians" must not judge and give people a second chance. When we are blessed to have an opportunity to serve on corporate boards, be in a position to hire someone or admit them to a program or school we have to take that chance and then support them so they can be successful!!
This book is what the media should be talking about ...not all of the insane negative things happening in our communities.
As an attorney for the City of Buffalo in the law department he now represents Police Officers and other city officials - what a story!! I read this book in 2 days and only stopped when I fell asleep!! So proud of the great family man and example you are and hopefully one day you can have some impact on a young man we both know and have in common 😉!!
This book should be required reading for all young men and ladies in the Buffalo Public Schools and every school in the nation. I know too many young men RIGHT NOW who could benefit from hearing Tone/Attorney Duncan speak. Listening to you on the radio this morning you said something that was so important - even when you don't have a support system like you fortunately did its up to that person to make a decision to change. It starts with self preservation and then we as citizens and "Christians" must not judge and give people a second chance. When we are blessed to have an opportunity to serve on corporate boards, be in a position to hire someone or admit them to a program or school we have to take that chance and then support them so they can be successful!!
This book is what the media should be talking about ...not all of the insane negative things happening in our communities.
As an attorney for the City of Buffalo in the law department he now represents Police Officers and other city officials - what a story!! I read this book in 2 days and only stopped when I fell asleep!! So proud of the great family man and example you are and hopefully one day you can have some impact on a young man we both know and have in common 😉!!
The roller coaster ride from addictive behavior to model citizen is not a smooth transition but Duncan relays his story with harsh, honest emotion and clarity. It’s not simply a book about today’s violent, urban drug culture. This book is relatable to anyone that has been or has known a troubled teen, has been in an abusive relationship, or has staggered through their own transgressions. A cold, unforgiving look at how his behaviors and worldly needs took him to low depths of society, Duncan tells how believing in something stronger and greater than himself put him on a path to a better life.
A must read – for anyone that has ever been faced with life’s challenges.
BY C. Miller
BY C. Miller